
Spatial Concept Extraction Based on Spatial Semantic Role in Natural Language

  • 摘要: 根据空间信息的特点,从定义的空间语义角色入手,通过语义角色标注、短语识别以及概念模式匹配等手段,具体分析了自然语言中的空间实体、实体间空间关系以及空间过程的表达与提取方法。


    Abstract: This paper presents an approach for extracting complex spatial concepts from unstructured text.By defining several spatial semantic roles based on the characteristics of geo-spatial information in natural language,the authors extract spatial entities,spatial relationships among entities and spatial procedures by means of spatial semantic annotation,semantic phrases recognition and pattern match.It tries to solve the problem of unable to get deep spatial semantics in common IE.The primary experiment shows that it has a good precision and a similar recall comparing to common IE systems.


