基于空间网格和Hilbert R-tree的二级R-tree空间索引

2-Level R-tree Spatial Index Based on Spatial Grids and Hilbert R-tree

  • 摘要: 针对分布式海量空间数据库管理要求,提出了一种基于空间划分网格、Hilbert R-tree和普通R-tree的二级空间索引结构,该结构被命名为H2R-tree。然后,详细讨论了该结构的优点,并给出了实现算法。实际算例表明,H2R-tree具有多方面的优良性能,是一种值得推广的二级索引技术。


    Abstract: Multi-level spatial index techniques are always used in the management of large spatial databases.This paper presents a novel 2-level index structure,which is based on the schemas of spatial grid-file,Hilbert R-tree and common R-tree.This new structure is named H2R-tree,and detailed algorithms are given.Using real data for test,the new method is proved to show superior performances in several aspects.The first,it suits for grid management with no additional demand;the second,H2R-tree shows better query efficiency;the third,it supports local independent update;the forth,it is suitable for distributed data management,and easy for realization;and the last,former bulk-loading methods can be applied in H2R-tree easily.Generally,H2R-tree is specifically suitable for the indexing of highly skewed,distributed,and large spatial database.


