Architecture of Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment Based on HLA
摘要: 讨论了分布式虚拟地理环境的基本内容和框架需求,描述了HLA的体系结构,设计了基于HLA的分布式虚拟地理环境系统框架结构。针对设计的系统框架,讨论了其数据流和对象模型,并提出了一种实现数据协作的方法———数据先备。通过分析,认为该系统框架基本能够满足分布式虚拟地理环境的要求。Abstract: Integrating the theory of Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment(DVGE) and HLA,this paper designs the architecture of DVGE based on HLA.The data flow and the object models of the architecture are also discussed.The architecture basically meets the need of DVGE in real-time communication,distribution,collaboration,reusing and inter-operation,expansion,and standard.