
The Building of Spatial Database Based on MapGIS and the Discussion of Its Typical Questions

  • 摘要: 以云南省地质图、水文地质图空间数据库的建立为例,通过对空间数据库建设中资料准备、图形矢量化、空间数据处理及文件转换四个过程的分析,总结了在进行回溯型空间数据库建库过程中需要注意的一些典型问题,并提出了解决的办法。论述了在MapGIS下空间数据库建立过程中的一些技巧及经验。


    Abstract: Through the building of spatial database of Yunnan Province base on geological map and hydrological geological map, this paper gives a particular introduction of the four parts (the data pretreatment,the image vector, the space database processing and the files conversion) during the work,and makes summary for the typical question and their solution. The paper also makes a demonstration that the solutions are applicable to solve problems in the procedure of building spatial database on the other geographic information system platform.


