
LODs Description of 3D City Model

  • 摘要: 以仿唐建筑群的逼真三维模型为例,介绍了一种实用的LOD模型细节层次规划及其精细程度的确定方法,以及配套的数据生产工艺,为建立具有几何上的高精度和视觉上的高逼真度的三维城市模型提供了一条有效的途径。


    Abstract: Based on the 3D digital modeling of a simulated Tang Dynasty style group of buildings, this paper introduces a useful method to plan the level of details for 3D city models and to determine the fidelity of each level of details. Moreover, the corresponding techniques for LOD modeling and full quality control is presented, which provides an efficient approach to construct 3D city models with high-precision and high-fidelity.


