
Relative Radiometric Correction of CBERS-01 CCD Data Based on Detector Histogram Matching

  • 摘要: 提出并实现了基于探元直方图匹配的相对辐射校正方法。首先以探元为单位对CBERS01星CCD0级数据进行统计,然后基于直方图匹配方法建立每个探元的直方图查找表,用直方图查找表对01星数据进行相对辐射校正。该方法较好地解决了探元的非线性响应问题,图像处理质量有很大提高,为01星CCD数据的更广泛应用奠定了基础。


    Abstract: In this paper, a new method-detector histogram matching is put forward and carried out, first statistics on CBERS-01 0 level data based on each detector is performed , then histogram look up table (LUT) is established using histogram matching method, and LUT is used to make relative radiometric correction of CBERS-01 data. The new method solves the non-linear response problem better, and the quality of image processing is improved obviously, which establish the foundation of the wider application for the CBERS-01 CCD data.


