
Constrained Edges Deletion in CD-TIN Based on Influence Domain Retriangulating for Virtual Point

  • 摘要: 根据CDTIN中约束线的多态性,提出了利用虚点描述约束线交叉的情况,并用虚点影响域重构算法(influence domain retriangulating for virtual point,IDRVP)来解决CDTIN约束线删除操作中的约束线交叉问题,确保了CDTIN的拓扑完备性,并对算法进行了验证。


    Abstract: Based on the analysis of the polymorphism of constrained edges, this paper presentes that virtual points be used to describe the intersection of constrained edges, developes a new algorithm, called as influence domain retriangulating for virtual point (IDRVP), to delete constrained edges with virtual points. The algorithm is completed in topology, and the algorithm is tested by some applications cases.


