
A Voronoi Interior Adjacency-based Approach for Generating a Contour Tree

  • 摘要: 针对等高线树现有几何计算生成法和区域扩张生成法在判断包含关系方面存在的不足,提出了利用Voronoi内邻集来判断父等高线与子等高线之间“一对多”的直接包含关系,发展了一种基于Voronoi内邻近的等高线树生成方法。


    Abstract: A contour tree is a good graphical tool for representing the spatial relations of contour lines and has found many applications in map generalization, map annotation, terrain analysis, etc. A new approach for generating contour trees by introducing a Voronoi-based interior adjacency concept is proposed in this paper. The immediate interior adjacency set is employed to identify all of the children contours of each contour without contour elevations. It has advantaged over existing methods such as the point-in-polygon method and the region growing-based method.


