
Retrieval of the Reflectance Along Coast Zone and Island with MODIS Image

  • 摘要: 提出一种利用MODIS图像,用查找表反演海岸与海岛地物光谱反射率的方法。该方法首先借助AHMAD辐射传输模型,由MODIS图像的水体像元反演出气溶胶的光学特性;在所选影像为晴空无云条件下,假设一定范围内的海岛与海岸上空的大气和水体上空的大气一样,借助6S辐射传输模型计算基于地物光谱反射率的查找表,然后由MODIS图像的陆地像元的反射率和几何条件加上反演的气溶胶光学厚度,用插值法可求得地物光谱反射率。还给出了厦门地区实际卫星图像的反演结果,并就反演误差进行了分析。


    Abstract: The paper describes a LUT method for retrieval of the ground surface reflectance along coast zone and island with MODIS image. Simulation of the AHMAD radiative transfer model on determination of the aerosol optical character with water pixel of MODIS image. Simulation the aerosol optical character and the 6S model on computing of the LUT about the ground surface reflectance. Using the interpolate method to retrieval of the ground surface reflectance along coast zone and island with the LUT, aerosol optical character and the MODIS image. The LUT method is applied to determine the ground surface reflectance in XIMEN'S zone from the MODIS image. We analyzed the determination of result and found its expectation error.


