
A Theory for Getting Facade with Large Scale

  • 摘要: 提出了获取建筑物大比例尺立面影像的一种理论与方法。根据数字相机倾斜影像,利用建筑物外观的几何条件与约束条件,按照透视变换原理,导出相应关系式,直接获取相同主距的“平行影像”。随后,依据最少的实地控制,将平行影像放大到给定比例尺数字城市中。该方法加快了车载系统大比例尺建筑物立面影像的获取过程,不受建筑物高度的影响,并可用于机载、固定站和人工方式等多种作业模式。


    Abstract: The paper mainly introduces how to get the parallel image from the lean image using the conditions of geometry and restriction in the surface of building according to the theory of perspective transformation. After transformation, the principal distance of rectified image has the same value as one of original image. Then, using the least control condition, the parallel images can be magnified to the scaled image. The technology proposed in paper made getting facade image with large scale rather rapidly, not influenced by the height of building, and can be used in many kinds of mobile mapping situation.


