Center Subpixel Localization of Circular Retro-Reflective Targets
摘要: 采用回光反射材料制作圆形回光反射标志,经摄影后得到标志的“准二值影像”;对标志的椭圆影像进行亚像素边缘提取,经最小二乘椭圆拟合后得到标志中心的子像素级位置。试验表明,可以达到0.02像素的定位精度Abstract: Circle targets made from retro-reflective material(RRT) are introduced. After photographed, the approximate binaried RRT image is gotten. The precise edge position is gotten using subpixel edge detection method. Then, center of RRT is localized precisely by ellipse best fitting. Tests demonstrate that the center is localized in 0.02 pixel.