
Automatic Calibration of Binocular Vision System in Coded Control Field

  • 摘要: 首先对普通检校场中部分圆形回光反射标志块进行编码标识,实现了标定控制点在物方空间和像方空间的自动对应;然后根据Weng’s相机模型对视觉系统进行标定,求解系统的内、外方位元素和系统畸变系数;最后依据投影几何中空间直线经中心投影变换后仍是直线的原理,提出了对随机系统的残余误差进行测定和修正的方法。实验证明,本方法实现了双目视觉系统的全自动标定,并明显提高了系统的精度。


    Abstract: A method to realize automatic calibration of binocular vision system with high precision is proposed. At the first step, coded retro-reflective targets is used to realize automatic correspondence of the calibration control points in the world space coordinates and image space coordinates. Then the orientations and its systematic distortion parameters are compated according to the Weng’s camera model. At last, based on the principle that the projection of every line in space onto the camera is still a line if a camera follows the pinhole model, a new method is proposed for calibrating the residual error of random camera with high precision. Experiments results indicate that this kind of calibration method have reached successful effect.


