An Cycle-Slip Correction Method for Real-Time Kinematic GPS Data Based on Triple Differences Observation
摘要: 提出了一种适用于实时动态周跳修复的方法。该方法利用多普勒观测值(或伪距),包括产生候选值、筛选候选值、确定候选值3个步骤。与已有的方法相比,该方法无需对观测值进行预报,适用于连续周跳的探测。理论推导和试验结果表明,在发生连续周跳时该方法能够探测出所有的周跳。Abstract: In order to obtain consistent high-precision positioning results with GPS carrier-phase measurements,cycle-slips must be correctly detected and removed or handled at the data processing stage.This paper proposes a new cycle-slip correction method.The approach includes generating and filtering cycle-slip candidates.It can be derived directly from the observation triple-difference time series under simple assumption.Compared with conventional methods,this method needs not prediction values of the measurements.The method is suitable for continuously cycle-slip.Theory and test show the method can correct all cycle-slip.