GPS Precipitable Water Vapor of Different Climate Types
摘要: 利用高精度定位定轨软件GAMIT对2000~2004年的中国地壳运动监测网络数据进行了处理,获得各测站的可降水量时间序列,并以不同气候类型将各测站的可降水量进行了分类比较。在不同气候类型的可降水量的比较中,青藏高原高寒地区的可降水量最低,温带大陆性气候的可降水量次之,温带季风气候的可降水量居中,热带季风气候的可降水量最高,亚热带季风气候的可降水量为次高。在可降水量的图形变化比较中,不同气候类型的可降水量序列的波形变化也不相同,对可降水量峰值时间进行了量化比较。Abstract: From the GPS data of crustal movement observation network of China(CMONOC) from 2000 to 2004,the precipitable water vapor time series of all stations are obtained.According to the different climate types,the GPS stations of CMONOC are clarified.During the comparison of precipitable water vapor among different climate types,the values of precipitable water vapor in different regions were arranged from lowest to highest.These regions are of alpine climate,temperate continental climate,temperate monsoon climate,sub-tropical monsoon climate and tropical monsoon climate.The results show that the waveform changes of precipitable water vapor of different climate types are different.