
Automatic Name Placement for Area Water Features on Small Scale Maps

  • 摘要: 在丰富面状水系的注记配置规则基础上,深入研究了其名称注记自动配置中两个关键算法,即要素主骨架线求取和注记配置方案的设计,并提出了基于单调链化简思想确定面状水系主骨架线的改进算法,在此基础上设计了面状水系名称注记自动配置方案。


    Abstract: Based on the special rules of Chinese for the area water features,this paper studies two basic aspects of annotation: getting the main skeleton line of a area feature and the scheme of choosing an optimized character position for it.A new algorithm is discussed based on the monotone chain for getting the main skeleton line of a area feature,then a simple is introduced scheme for choosing the optimized character position which is based on the main skeleton line.


