Differential Method for Calculating Seabed Slope Angle of Beam-Width Effect Correction in Bathymetric Survey
摘要: 在海底地形测量中,由于波束角效应导致探测的海底地形存在失真。为提高海底地形的测量精度,应消除或减弱波束角效应影响。而对未知海底的倾斜角求解问题是解决波束角效应的难点之一。为此,针对单波束测量提出了一种实用的海底倾斜角差分算法。实例计算表明,差分算法更为有效、合理,适合于计算机处理。Abstract: In bathymetric survey,the recorded seabed is distorted due to the beam-width of the echo sounder.It is important to eliminate or degrade the effect caused by the beam width of echo sounders and reflect the true seabed.The biggest problem is calculating the seabed slope angle of the unknown seabed.So,a new method for calculating the seabed slope angle called the differential method is put forward.The test results show that the new method is useful and effective.