Transformation Between Urban Spatial Information Irregular Grid and Regular Grid
摘要: 对从不规则网格向规则网格进行社会经济信息转换的方法进行了比较和研究,并采用蒙特卡罗和GIS相结合的方法,以人口数据为例,利用土地利用分类信息将以行政区为基础采集的人口数据转换到规则网格中。实验证明,转换后的人口分布数据较好地体现了人口在空间的分布情况,并可根据不同的需要,聚合成不同大小的网格,能较好地满足城市微观建模和宏观社会经济信息统计分析的需要。Abstract: The multiple areal interpolation methods to transfer social economic data from irregular grid to regular grid are discussed,the advantages and disadvantages of each method are outlined.The integration of Monte Carlo simulation and GIS is employed to realize the transformation of population from irregular grid to regular grid.The population statisticed in irregular grids(administration boundaries) are disaggregated into pixels to obtain the population surface by assigning different weight to different urban landuse types,then the population attached to each pixel is aggregated to regular grid.The experiment result indicates that the regular grids can represent the real situation of population distribution io the urban areas.And different resolution grids can be selected to aggregate the population to meet different requirement,and the population represented in the regular grids can meet the requirement of urban micro modeling and macro social economic data statistics.