
Determination of Height Variation of Qomolangma(Mt. Everest)and CrustalMovement in Its Northern Surrounding Area with GPS Technique

  • 摘要: 20世纪60年代以来,我国单独或与外国合作,在1966年、1975年、1992年、1998年、1999年和2005年对珠穆朗玛峰(以下简称珠峰)的高程及其北坡的地壳运动进行了6次大规模的大地测量,其中包括天文、重力、平面、高程和大气折射等方面的外业作业、数据处理和科学研究。本文对我国上述几次测量中的GPS和水准测量等数据进行了综合,对珠峰峰顶雪面高程值的变化和该地区地壳的水平运动和垂直运动进行了探索。根据1992年和2005年的GPS测量,珠峰峰顶雪面高程的变化在13 a间约下降25 cm,平均年下降率为1.8 cm。根据1992~2005年间的三次GPS测量,珠峰北坡地区的地壳水平运动平均每年以4 cm的速度向北东45°方向推进。根据1966~2005年的多期水准测量,该地区的地壳垂直运动平均每年上升1.8 mm。此外,若从以上各个时间段作进一步分析,则发现珠峰北坡地壳的水平运动和垂直运动在时间上和空间上都存在非平稳性。


    Abstract: Since 60's of the 20 Century China has carried out six geodetic campaigns(1966,1975,1992,1998,1999 and 2005 respectively) for measuring the height of Qomolangma(Mt.Everest,ME) and the crustal movement in its northern surrounding area(area in shorter),independently or in cooperation with foreign countries.Large scale geodetic field work,data processing and scientific research have been done,dealing with positioning,height determination,gravimetry,astronomical measurement and atmospheric reflection observation etc.The height variation of the snow summit of ME and the crustal movement,horizontal and vertical,of the area determined with GPS and leveling techniques in this passing years have been briefly reviewed and analyzed.The height variation of the ME snow summit is,according to the GPS measurement in 1992 and 2005,that 25 cm has been descending in the past 13 years,i.e.with the descending rate of 1.8 cm/a.The average horizontal crustal movement in the area,according to the GPS measurement in 1992,1998 and 2005,moves in the direction of 45 NE at the speed of 4 cm/a.The average vertical crustal movement in the area is,according to the multi terms re-leveling between 1966 and 2005,that the ascending rate is 1.8 mm/a.A non-stationary phenomenon both in time and space of the horizontal and vertical crustal movement in the area is found.


