
Improvement of Cone-Shaped Spatial Direction-Relation Model

  • 摘要: 提出了一种融入方向关系矩阵模型思想的改进型锥形模型。该模型同时具备了两者的优点,尤其对多尺度空间目标的空间方位关系的表达比较有效,并顾及到了多尺度的包容性。


    Abstract: An improved cone-shaped model is given in order to improve the old cone-shaped model.The new improved spatial direction-relation makes use of the ideas of both cone-shape model and direction-relation matrix model,which inherits their merits at same time,especially heightens the ability greately to express the spatial direction-relation between spatial objects effectively under the muilti-sacle circumstance,and the muilti-scale compatibility is considered.


