A New Method for Integer Ambiguity Resolution in GPS Deformation Monitoring
摘要: 利用变形监测网中监测点坐标已知的特点,提出了一种新的解算整周模糊度的方法———DC(directcalculation)算法。该方法不需要组成和解算法方程,更不需要搜索和确认,而是直接计算整周模糊度。实际计算表明,该方法计算速度快,精度高,是变形监测中整周模糊度解算的极好方法。Abstract: In the case that the accurate coordinates of the monitoring point and reference station are known,a new method for integer ambiguity resolution—DC(direct calculation) is introduced.The results of tests indicate that the above algorithm can solve precisely and fast for the integer ambiguity.It is a good method for integer ambiguity resolution in GPS deformation monitoring.