Analysis of Digital Terrain Error Based on Spatial Autocorrelation
摘要: 采用空间自相关分析方法,从空间角度对数字高程数据误差的空间分布特征进行了研究。实验表明,利用双线性曲面表示地形表面时,产生的数字高程数据误差的全局Moran’sI指数趋近于0,在整个区域单元上的分布不存在显著的全局空间自相关,邻近区域单元上高程数据误差之间的关系在整体上既不综合表现为趋同,也不综合表现为趋异,高程数据误差的整体空间格局为随机格局;而且数字高程数据误差在空间上的分布与地形坡度和地表粗糙度有一定的联系,一般情况下,平均坡度、地表粗糙度越大,高程数据的全局Moran’sI指数偏离0稍远一些;否则,距离0近一些,但全局空间自相关仍不显著,在整体上表现为随机格局。Abstract: Using spatial autocorrelation analysis,the digital elevation error is studied;and the results show that there is no significant global spatial autocorrelation of digital elevation error in all cells,the spatial pattern of digital elevation error is random on the whole.There is significant local spatial autocorrelation between one cell and its neighbors,and the difference of digital elevation error between one cell and another is small,the spatial pattern of digital elevation error converges strongly in local areas.