
On Data Processing with Last Three Years of VLBI Observation

  • 摘要: 介绍了标准NGS数据格式与IVS(international VLBI service for geodesy and astrometry)网站公布的新格式之间的差异,将2005~2007年的VLBI数据进行了格式转换,利用由挪威大地测量研究所和澳大利亚地球科学研究所共同开发的OCCAM 6.2软件解算出大地测量参数(Xp,Yp,UT1-UTC、dψ,dε),并在解算过程中,将两种不同的UT1内插模型进行了对比,同时还将解算结果与IERS网站公布的数据进行了对比。


    Abstract: The difference between the new format and standard NGS format is introduced;and the data of 2005-2007 which is downloaded from IVS is transfered to the standard format.With OCCAM 6.2 software developed by Norwegian Geodetic Institute and institute of geoscience in Australia,the parameters of geodetic interest(Xp,Yp,UT1-UTC,dψ,dε) are computed.In the data processing,the results with different interpolation models of UT1 are compared.The difference in accuracy is analyzed;and some conclusions are drawn.


