Precision Analysis of Precise Point Positioning Based Tropospheric Delay Estimation
摘要: 在简要描述精密单点定位估计天顶对流层延迟方法的基础上,分别采用IGS事后产品和实时产品处理了若干IGS跟踪站数据,估计出各站天顶对流层延迟,其中,实时精密卫星星历与钟差处理方案采用事后下载实时产品、事后模拟实时处理的方式。与IGS结果相比,利用精密单点定位方法,采用IGS事后精密星历与卫星钟差估计的结果无明显的偏差,其精度优于6 mm;采用实时精密卫星星历与卫星钟差模拟估计的结果精度优于20 mm。Abstract: PPP approach used for ZTD estimation is investigated. The process GPS data from some IGS Products stations utilizing final IGS products and real time products are processed.Though real time PPP solution is post processed,real-time operation is simulated.Compared with the ZTD provided by IGS,the precision of PPP based ZTD solution utilizing final IGS orbits and clocks is better than 6 mm,and the precision of real time solution is better than 20 mm.