
Fusion Modes of Various Geodetic Observations and Their Analysis

  • 摘要: 一般情况下,基于观测信息和基于各类导出信息(如平差结果)的最小二乘融合是等价的,但若函数模型和随机模型存在误差时,则不同的数据融合模式会得出不同的结果。讨论了具有函数模型误差、随机模型误差的两种数据融合模式,即基于观测信息的融合模式和基于平差结果的融合模式,从理论和实际计算两个方面对两种融合模式的优缺点进行了讨论和分析。


    Abstract: In general,the data fusion modes of original measurements or derived observations,e.g.the partial estimated results,are identical in least squares principle.However,in the situation of incomplete functional or stochastic models,the data fusion modes of original measurements and derived observations are different.The fusion modes of the observations and derived observations with systemic errors or stochastic model errors are discussed,the properties of the two fusion modes are analyzed and compared in theory and illustrated by an actual example.


