Optimization on Diamond Search Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on AVS
摘要: 分析原有菱形匹配算法,在此基础上采取由粗到精的方法,对其中的运动估计部分进行优化。首先,以包括一个搜索窗口中心点在内的7个点开始匹配;然后,再根据一定的原则搜索其他匹配点。实验结果表明,改进算法在保证一定搜索精度的同时,能进一步减少匹配点,提高搜索速度。Abstract: Diamond-shaped pattern search algorithm is a fast motion estimation algorithm in AVS.Through an analysis of it,an optimized diamond-shaped pattern search algorithm is proposed,which exclude the work from the surface to the very detail.Firstly,we initial the matching work from the seven points(which including the center point of search window).Then,we search for other matching points according to some certain principles.The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the search number and improve the search spirits while keeping better search accuracy.