Sea Surface Wave Height Retrieve Using GNSS-R Signals
摘要: 分析了利用GNSS-R观测资料反演海浪波高的原理,讨论了干涉复数场及其相关时间。对Oceanpal观测数据滤波,计算其自相关函数,用三次多项式插值法估计相关时间,得到了新的海浪波高反演经验公式。反演结果与声学波浪仪观测数据比对,两者是比较一致的。Abstract: The principle to retrieve sea surface wave height using GNSS-R data is analyzed,emphasizing on the ICF and coherence time.The Oceanpal observational data is filtered,its autocorrelation function is computed,cubic polynomial interpolation is used to estimate the coherence time.A new experiential retrievable model to compute the wave height is educed.The result is consistent with the data of acoustic wave instrument.