
Development of Enhanced VRS Network Utility System

  • 摘要: 论述了具有自主知识产权的网络GNSS增强虚拟参考站系统软件(VENUS)的总体设计和功能模块设计。该软件系统平台界面友好,商品化程度高,目前已投入实际网络的运行中,稳定性好。经统计,其实时动态定位(RTK)的外符合精度水平为2~3 cm,高程为3~6 cm;内符合精度水平为1~2 cm,高程为2~4cm;精度分布均匀,初始化时间短。


    Abstract: The enhanced VRS network utility solution software(VENUS) is presented,including the structure design and module function realization of real-time kinematic(RTK) positioning.The software VENUS is currently on the service in Sichuan integrated GPS observation network(SIGN),China.The performance evaluation shows it can achieve better than 2-3 cm accuracy in horizontal position and 2-4 cm in the height within the network coverage area.


