
Crustal Deformation Analysis of Combined Geophysical Information with Geodetic Measurements

  • 摘要: 以地质、地球物理研究得到的我国区域形变模型预测的速率值作为先验值,以GPS数据的基线向量作为观测值,进行综合地壳形变分析,以实现两类信息的优势互补。考虑到地球物理模型预测值和几何观测量具有不同的内部精度和外部可靠性,采用方差分量估计方法平衡这两类形变信息的贡献,使它们的精度尽可能协调一致。实测数据计算表明,该方法能够提高变形参数解的精度。


    Abstract: In order to utilize both of the two kinds of data reasonably,the displacements predicted from the geophysical model are employed as priori values and the GPS measurements are acted as updated information to implement the crustal deformation analysis.Because the geophysical predicted displacements and the geodetic measurements have different precision and different external reliability,we adopt Helmert variance component estimation to balance the effects from the two different types of data sets.A numerical example shows that the deformation analysis method proposed in this paper can improve the solution accuracy of deformation parameters.


