
The Inversion of Ice Mass Change in Greenland Ice Sheet Using GRACE Data

  • 摘要: 比较分析了不同多项式条带滤波的效果,从中选出了适合GRGS数据的条带滤波;估算了2002-07~2007-09格陵兰冰盖冰雪质量变化的空间分布,并给出了格陵兰冰盖冰雪质量变化约为-116±9km3/a,对应海平面变化的贡献约为0.32±0.02mm/a。


    Abstract: An adequate decorrelation filter is chosen for GRGS GL04 data after comparing different decorrelation filters in the form of the polynomial with different order. The spatial distribution of the ice mass change in Greenland ice sheet is estimated during July 2002 to September 2007,and the change rate of -116±9 km3/a is also given. The corresponding contribution to the sea level change is about 0.32±0.02 mm/a.


