
The Application of B-spline Least Squares in Determining Moving-base Acceleration for Airborne Vector Gravimetry

  • 摘要: 介绍了B样条最小二乘法的基本原理,利用3阶B样条最小二乘法给出了包含拟合、数值微分、平滑等功能的计算方案。利用该计算方案对航空重力测量的GPS速度数据以及构造的模拟速度数据进行处理得到平滑后的加速度值。经分析,该计算方案能够简捷地去除高频噪声影响,有着良好的平滑效果。


    Abstract: The basic principle of B-spline least squares is firstly introduced in this paper. The computing method is given based on there order B-spline least squares. This method contains the characteristics of fitting,numerical differentiation,smoothing that can be used to calculate the acceleration from velocity. The GPS velocity data and simulation velocity data of airborne vector gravimetry is processed to yield the smoothed acceleration by using the computing method above. Then,the amplitude spectrum of the smoothed acceleration is calculated by a Fourier transform. The result from the amplitude spectrum indicates that the high frequency components in the raw GPS acceleration are smoothed out.


