Ionosphere TEC Anomalous Disturbance of Pre-seism
摘要: 利用中国地壳运动观测网络基准站观测数据,计算了2008年3~8月期间的中国区域电离层电子总含量(totalelectron content,TEC),并根据CODE分析中心最终TEC数据,采用不同尺度的统计分析方法,对半年来四川地震上空TEC值进行检查。结果表明,在5.12汶川地震震前一个星期内,孕震区上空连续出现明显的电离层异常扰动(在一定的经度范围内),其电离层异常驼峰有向磁赤道漂移的趋势,并逐步完全消失;对于此后发生的大于Ms5.0的地震,75%的地震区域同样发生此类现象。Abstract: Using the observational data of fiducial station in the crustal movement observation network of China,the total electron content of Chinese region from March to August 2008 are calculated. Being assisted by the final TEC of CODE analysis center,adopting different scale statistical analysis method,we examined the TEC on sichuan earthquake. As a result,we found that the anomalous VTEC disturbances over the preparation zone of Wenchuan earthquake continuously took place in a preseismic week,which shift to magnetic equator and disappeared completely step by step.