
Estimate the Accuracy of DEM Based on Reconstructed Contours

  • 摘要: 提出了利用等高线栅格化方法,逐行扫描原始等高线和重构等高线,并以不同数值分别填充原始等高线与重构等高线区域,研究了基于不规则三角网和规则格网重构等高线的DEM精度评估,得出了等高线栅格化时采用的格网间距与DEM精度关系,评价DEM与实际地形吻合的情况。


    Abstract: Considering rasterizing contours—line-by-line scanning the original contour and the reconstructed one,and marking the area of the original contour and the reconstructed one by different numbers,we estimate the accuracy of DEM of TIN and grid which based on reconstructed contours,and make conclusion about the relation between different grid distances and accuracy of DEMs,then evaluate the degree of the DEM was consistent with the terrain relief.


