
A "Ring" Method for Flood Submergence Based on DEM

  • 摘要: 以数字高程模型(DEM)为基础,结合水流扩散的基本原理,设计出一种新的“环形”淹没算法。本算法充分利用栅格DEM数据的特点和GIS的优势,将二维分析技术和三维演示平台进行结合,针对小区域范围的洪水演进过程,更精细地模拟出洪水淹没的过程,为科学地确定洪水淹没范围和水深分布、洪水风险图制作、防洪指挥调度和洪涝灾害的损失评估提供准确的评判依据。


    Abstract: Facing to the field of flood simulation,a new "Ring" method for flood has been introduced in the paper,which is based on the DEM data and flood's classical principle. Aim at the small region,the new method tries to combe the DEM data's characters and GIS' advantages to implement flood's simulation and forecasting. In succession,according to the new method,a 3D flood simulation and forecasting system have been design and implemented,which is used to supply exact and available information to make flood map,flood prevention and other interrelated works.


