Danger Theory and Image Target Detection
摘要: 探讨了危险理论与影像目标检测的内在联系,用危险理论解释了影像目标检测的整个过程,并提出了一种面向影像目标检测的危险模型。该模型将目标检测的过程视为一种生物免疫系统检测危险抗原的过程,其中兴趣目标被视为“危险抗原”,目标检测器被视为一种“抗原提呈细胞”。通过高分辨率遥感影像车辆目标检测实验,说明了危险理论在影像目标检测中应用的有效性和可行性。Abstract: Based on the natural relationship between danger theory and target detection,a target detection model based on danger theory is proposed.In the model,targets are mimiced as danger antigens and target detectors are mimiced as present cells.The architecture of danger based target perception network is also presented and tested on real satellite images.Experimental results illustrate the feasibilities and effectivities of the proposed method.