
Selecting Weight Fitting Method for Baseline Solution with Systematical Errors Continuation

  • 摘要: 提出了一种新算法,将系统误差作为待估参数纳入观测方程,此时观测方程属于观测数小于待估参数个数的秩亏方程。在双差模糊度固定之后,借鉴“选权拟合”思想,不仅对基线分量进行约束,还利用系统误差前后历元的延续性,对系统误差参数进行了约束。用正则化算法估算出系统误差,然后再利用削弱了系统误差的观测方程求出基线分量的精确解。算法不仅削弱了系统误差对GPS精密定位结果的影响,而且可以直接求出系统误差估值,为进一步分析系统误差的特性提供依据。


    Abstract: We propose a new method where systematical errors are involved in observation equation.Because the number of observation equations are less than that of unknown parameters,observation equations are rank-deficient.With ambiguity resolution,based on "select weight fitting" principle,observation equations are constrained not only through baseline components but also through systematical errors continuations of adjacent epochs.According to this method,the impact of systematical errors on GPS DD positioning accuracy can be mitigated effectively.Furthermore,the systematical errors can be achieved directly.


