
Determining Maneuver Orbit of GEO Using Stochastic Thrust Model

  • 摘要: 采用一阶马尔科夫过程对机动期间的轨道姿控力进行建模,并推导了基于该模型的参数估计方法。利用C波段转发测距体制对GEO卫星机动期间实测数据进行处理,结果表明,该方法能够达到较好的轨道拟合效果。


    Abstract: The precision of GEO orbit plays an important role in regional navigation system when the hybrid constellation of GEO/IGSO/MEO was involved.Determintion of the orbit of GEO during orbital maneuver is important.A first order Markov stochastic process was used to construct the thrust acceleration model,and the correlative parameter estimation method was developed.Based on this algorithm,the TWTT(TWO-WAY TIME TRANFER) measurement was used to determinate the GEO maneuver orbit.Eperimental results show that this algorithm is remarkable to fit the maneuver orbit.


