
Visualization of Spatio-Temporal Information Based on Transparency

  • 摘要: 利用电子地图中透明度视觉变量产生的虚实感,在对当前焦点时刻时空内容进行完全表达的同时,以不同透明度图形对时间上下文中的内容进行辅助表达,实现兼顾焦点时刻和时间上下文的时空可视化。该方法能够从时间全局上描绘时空对象的时间分布和时态关系,帮助把握时空发展的趋势和规律,同时更加高效地利用地图幅面,时空信息量更加丰富。


    Abstract: Based on the transparency visual variable in electronic map,we present a spatio-temporal visualization method that considering time focus and context.The method represents normally the spatio-temporal contents at the time focus as well as visualizes the objects in the user-defined time context by graphic elements with different transparencies simultaneously.It not only provides more spatio-temporal information with the same map extent,but also depicts the temporal distributions and temporal relationships of phenomena.


