12阶Runge-kutta 2次算法的卫星轨道积分研究
12 Steps Runge-kutta 2 Orders Algorithm for Satellite Orbit Integration
摘要: 研究了12阶Runge-kutta 2次算法由加速度直接积分位置得到卫星轨道,并将其应用于人造卫星轨道积分。实验结果表明,与传统单步法、同阶多步法相比,12阶Runge-kutta 2次算法在积分精度和稳定性方面具有明显的优势,但相同步长下较其他方法计算耗时多,运算复杂。综合考虑,可以利用其积分误差随步长增加而维持稳定的特点,通过适当增加步长降低计算耗时,满足高轨卫星轨道预报与精密定轨的应用需求。Abstract: Different from traditional single-step algorithm,focus on satellite orbit integration from acceleration to position using new 12 steps Runge-kutta 2 orders algorithm.This algorithm is introduced in artificial satellite orbit application,and its integration results are studied and compared with other algorithms'.The results indicate that for integration precision and computation stability this algorithm is advanced,but it need more time consuming than others at same integration step.Synthetic consideration of the algorithm's stability whose integration error does not obviously increase with step length's augment,we can increase step length and decrease computation time to fulfill the needs of high-orbit satellite's orbit prediction and precise orbit determination.