
Constructing DEM from Simple Terrain Information Using HASM Method

  • 摘要: 研究了曲面建模方法(HASM)用于处理河流线和离散点的情形,给出了甘肃省庆阳市董志塬崆峒沟的扫描地形图案例。为简单起见,本文只研究其中的河流线和离散点等两种数据的情形,并通过可视化的手段比较了HASM的结果与河流线约束TIN及薄板样条方法的结果,发现HASM的结果更合理。


    Abstract: This paper uses HASM method to construct DEM from stream lines and scattered points.A case study on the typical landform of plateau of China,Kongtong gully of Dongzhi Plateau,Qingyang,Gansu Province,is presented.The original data is manually vecterized from scanned maps 1∶10 000,includes scattered points,stream lines,contour lines,precipitous cliff lines of a region of area about 4×5 square km.For simplicity this paper uses only the former two of them.Compared with the result from stream-line-constrained TIN and hydrologically correct DEM construction method thin plate spline(TPS),through visual inspection,HASM gets a more desirable DEM and more reasonable integration of information of the terrain features.Some challenges and future research about HASM is also given.


