
Introduction and Analysis of the National Natural Science Foundation Projects onGeodesy Field in 2024

  • 摘要: 详细梳理并介绍了2024年度大地测量学领域国家自然科学基金各类项目的受理、申请和资助概况,并分析了申请项目的研究方向、依托单位、学科交叉和科学属性。2024年度集中受理项目申请692项,较2023年增加27.44%,其中面上项目大幅增加49.32%。统计分析申请项目的研究方向和关键词表明,学科研究热点集中分布在卫星定位、导航与授时、地震大地测量、卫星重力等领域。


    Abstract: We introduce the application, evaluation and funding of various projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China on Geodesy field for the year 2024, and provide a statistical analysis according to the research directions, supporting institutions, interdisciplinary collaborations, and scientific attributes of the applied projects. In 2024, 692 project applications were accepted, an increase of 27.44% over 2023, and the number of the general program projects increased by 49.32%. Statistical analysis of the research direction and keywords of the project applications shows that the research hotspots of the discipline are concentrated in the fields of satellite positioning, navigation and timing, seismic geodesy, satellite gravity and so on.


