
耿涛, 赵普, 谢新, 程凌岳

耿涛, 赵普, 谢新, 程凌岳. GPS/BDS-3卫星姿态产品评估及对精密数据处理的影响[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版). DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240155
引用本文: 耿涛, 赵普, 谢新, 程凌岳. GPS/BDS-3卫星姿态产品评估及对精密数据处理的影响[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版). DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240155
GENG Tao, ZHAO Pu, XIE Xin, CHENG Lingyue. Evaluation of GPS/BDS-3 Satellite Attitude Products and Impact on Precise Data Processing[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240155
Citation: GENG Tao, ZHAO Pu, XIE Xin, CHENG Lingyue. Evaluation of GPS/BDS-3 Satellite Attitude Products and Impact on Precise Data Processing[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240155



广东省重点领域研发计划资助(2023B1111050013);国家自然科学基金(42204028; 42374030);中国科协青年人才托举工程(2022ONRC001);武汉市知识创新专项(2023010201010075)





Evaluation of GPS/BDS-3 Satellite Attitude Products and Impact on Precise Data Processing

  • 摘要: 卫星姿态对全球卫星导航系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)精密数据处理具有重要影响,国际卫星导航服务组织(international GNSS service,IGS)分析中心使用ORBEX(ORBit EXchange)格式以四元数形式发布卫星姿态产品。评估了2023年全年四家IGS MGEX(multi-GNSS experiment)分析中心的GPS/BDS-3卫星姿态产品,重点分析了偏航机动时期各分析中心的姿态差异,并研究了姿态产品对精密数据处理的影响。评估武汉大学(Wuhan university,WUM)、欧洲定轨中心(center for orbitdetermination in Europe,COD)、德国地学中心(GeoForschungsZentrum,GFZ)和法国国家空间研究中心(centre national d’etudes spatiales,CNES)姿态产品发现:在卫星偏航机动时期,不同分析中心使用了不同姿态模型,其中GFZ产品与其他分析中心差异较大,偏航角差异可达180°,且存在偏航角跳变等现象;除GPS Block IIF卫星外,WUM与COD产品较为一致。与名义姿态相比,姿态产品可以显著改善GPS/BDS-3卫星钟差的连续性,当四元数姿态与名义姿态偏转方向相反时,钟差二次差序列标准差下降85%。用户需要使用与服务端轨道钟差配套的卫星姿态产品,不一致的姿态会影响卫星天线相位中心和相位缠绕改正;与名义姿态相比,姿态产品使东、北、高方向的动态精密单点定位精度分别提升了31%、20%、28%。
    Abstract: Objectives: Satellite attitudes have a significant impact on GNSS (global navigation satellite system) precise data processing. IGS (international GNSS service) analysis centers (ACs) have been publishing satellite attitude products in quaternion form using the ORBEX (ORBit EXchange) format. Methods: The GPS/BDS-3 satellite attitude products from 4 MGEX (multi-GNSS experiment) ACs spanning the year of 2023 are collected. Based on satellite attitude quaternions, the yaw angles of GPS/BDS-3 satellites were computed and compared using corresponding conversion formulas. The differences of yaw angles during the satellite yaw maneuvers were emphatically compared and analyzed. Then, the GPS/BDS-3 precise satellite clock estimation and precise point positioning were conducted using 122 global MGEX tracking stations, the impact of satellite yaw attitude on GPS/BDS-3 precise data processing was investigated by comparing the results using different attitude products. Results: Comparing the quaternion yaw angles from WUM (Wuhan university), GFZ (GeoForschungsZentrum), COD (center for orbit determination in Europe) and CNES (centre national d’etudes spatiales), we can find that different attitude models are adopted by different ACs during yaw maneuvers. The model adopted by GFZ differs significantly from others’, and the yaw angle differences can be up to 180° while abnormal jumps are observed. Except for GPS IIF satellites, the models adopted by WUM and COD are consistent in general. Compared with the nominal attitudes, attitude products can significantly improve the continuity of the GPS/BDS-3 satellite clock estimation and can reduce the standard deviation of the clock quadratic-differences by 85% when opposite yaw directions between the quaternion and nominal attitudes are observed. Kinematic precise point positioning (PPP) experiments show that inconsistent attitude models can cause positioning deviations by affecting the satellite antenna phase center offset and phase wind-up corrections. The attitude products can achieve 31%, 20%, and 28% accuracy improvements for the east, north, and up components, respectively, compared with the nominal attitudes. Conclusions: We recommend that users need to use satellite attitude products matching the corresponding orbit and clock products for GNSS precise data processing.
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-06-06
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-07-18


