研究GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)坐标序列数据中包含的有色噪声对GNSS坐标序列模型分析、特别是速度分析具有重要价值。在以往的工作中,研究者专注于10-15年的中短期坐标序列的有色噪声建模,较少关注坐标序列经过长期积累后对有色噪声建模的变化。针对近30年来美国加州地区26个国际GNSS服务(International GNSS Service,IGS)基准站的78个坐标序列,运用极大似然估计法进行噪声模型参数估计,比较了8种常用的噪声模型,以赤池信息量准则进行优选。实验结果表明,在N、U和E方向上,以WN+PL+RWN (White Noise+Power-law Noise+Random Walk Noise)为最优模型的比例分别为61.5%、57.7%和42.3%。以WN+PL (White Nosie+Power-law Noise)为对照模型进行速度不确定度(标准差)估计,发现最优模型的速度不确定度平均值在N、E和U方向上分别是对照模型的5.2倍、5.0倍和4.0倍。本文的研究表明:(1)采用不同的噪声模型时速度不确定度参数的估计相差较大,为合理、客观地表征速度估计的不确定性,建议在实际应用中进行精细的有色噪声建模分析;(2)16年以上GNSS坐标序列大多具备探测RWN的潜力,不含RWN的模型对速度不确定度存在较明显的精度高估现象,因此在长期的GNSS坐标序列数据中RWN的影响不容忽视。
Objectives: The presence of colored noise in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) coordinate time series data holds significant value for the analysis of GNSS coordinate models, particularly in velocity analysis. In previous studies, researchers have focused on modeling colored noise in the short to medium-term coordinate series of 10-15 years, paying less attention to the variation of long-term accumulation of coordinate series on colored noise modeling. Methods: Therefore, we investigated 78 coordinate series from 26 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations in California over a period of nearly 30 years. We compared eight commonly used noise models by utilizing the maximum likelihood estimation method to estimate the parameters of noise models and the Akaike Information Criterion is applied to select the optimal model among the alternative models. Results: The results indicate that among the selected IGS reference stations, 61.5% of the series exhibit WN+PL+RWN (White Noise + Power-law Noise + Random Walk Noise) as the optimal model in the N direction, while this proportion is 57.7% and 42.3% in the U direction and E direction, respectively. Then the velocity uncertainty (standard deviation) estimation is performed between the optimal model and the control model WN+PL (White Noise + Power-law Noise). We found that the average velocity uncertainty of the preferred model is 5.2 times higher than the control model in the N direction, 5.0 times higher in the E direction, and 4.0 times higher in the U direction. Conclusions: the research in this paper demonstrates the following: the choice of noise models has a significant impact on the estimation of velocity uncertainty parameters, the results vary apparently when different noise models are used. In order to accurately and objectively represent the uncertainty of velocity estimates, it is advisable to carry out meticulous analysis of colored noise modeling in practical applications. Additionally, most of GNSS coordinate series with a duration of over 16 years have the potential to detect RWN, and models without RWN tend to significantly overestimate velocity uncertainty. Hence, the impact of RWN in long-term GNSS coordinate series data cannot be disregarded.