Analysis of Changes in Maritime Transport Networks for Strategic Materials Affected by Attacks in the Red Sea
摘要: 海运作为全球贸易的主要运输方式, 其安全性对国际交易至关重要。近期红海地区袭击事件严重威胁了该关键航道的通行安全, 对全球战略物资供应链产生了较大影响。以全球船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS) 数据为基础, 构建了涉及红海的典型全球战略物资海运网络, 并针对该网络从海运航线、 战略物资、 海运网络等角度, 分析了红海袭击事件所波及的战略物资海运网络变化, 得出了一些重要结论: 在航线变化方面, 亚洲和非洲的国家日均航次数量未受到影响, 其他大洲均呈数量下降趋势, 但所针对国家的平均降幅显著大于其他国家; 在战略物资方面, 铁矿石、 原油和液化石油气(Liquefied Petroleum Gas,LPG)运输量显著减少, 液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG) 的日均运输量未受影响; 在海运网络演变层面, 不同的战略物资网络呈现出了不同的变化特征, 其中铁矿石显示出较高的稳定性, 能源类物资(LNG、 LPG)呈现出了中等程度的稳定性, 粮食海运网络的波动性最强。研究结果有助于理解突发地缘政治事件对国际战略物资流动和全球供应链稳定性的潜在影响,对全球化背景下维护全球贸易流动和供应链稳定具有重要参考价值。Abstract: As a critical mode of transportation for global trade, the security of maritime shipping is essential to international commerce. Recent armed conflicts in the Red Sea region have significantly endangered the safe passage through this vital shipping lane and have had profound effects on the global supply chain of strategic commodities. Although an increasing volume of research focuses on tracking and analyzing the longterm impacts of the shipping system following major events, there remains an urgent need to swiftly capture and analyze real-time conflicts. Such research is critical for timely responses to the challenges confronting the maritime system, thus helping to mitigate negative impacts. We first analyze changes in the number of shipping routes to assess the impact on countries across different geographic regions and geopolitical relations worldwide. Next, based on material transport changes, we evaluate shifts in the tonnage of five strategic materials and the weighted importance of these materials. Furthermore, by examining alterations in the strategic materials maritime network, we identify the affected nodes and edges in the network. Subsequently, we assess the evolution patterns of five strategic material networks by analyzing changes in network indicators. Experiment results show that: in terms of affected maritime routes, there was no decline in the number of average daily voyages for countries in Asia and Africa, while all other continents experienced a decreasing trend in voyages. The rate of decline among affected countries was notably more significant compared to unaffected ones. From the perspective of strategic materials, iron, crude oil, and LPG shipments dominated the traffic. Except for LNG, which exhibited an increase in average daily traffic, other strategic materials displayed a similar downward trend by the end of the quarter. At the network evolution level, the core nodes of the maritime network remained stable in the face of shocks. Different strategic material networks demonstrated distinct adaptation patterns, with grain and LPG networks showing an increase in the average shortest path compared to the pre-shock period, while crude oil, LPG, and iron ore networks exhibited a more aggregated and short-distance adaptation pattern. Iron ore demonstrated high stability, energy materials (LNG, LPG, and crude oil) exhibited moderate stability, and the food maritime network was the most volatile. In short, we captured and analyzed the impacts of unforeseen events on the maritime transport network in a timely manner by integrating data from various sources and employing a limited time window and geographic scope approach. The assessment reveals significant disruptions in global transport patterns within the Red Sea region, highlighting the importance of maintaining global trade flows and supply chain stability in the context of globalization.
- strategic materials /
- maritime transport networks /
- network changes /
- Red Sea
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