
黄卫权, 李梦浩, 张健, 王仁龙

黄卫权, 李梦浩, 张健, 王仁龙. 卫星钟差批处理估计的基准优化方法[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版). DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240091
引用本文: 黄卫权, 李梦浩, 张健, 王仁龙. 卫星钟差批处理估计的基准优化方法[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版). DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240091
HUANG Weiquan, LI Menghao, ZHANG Jian, WANG Renlong. The Datum Optimization Method for Satellite Clock Batch Estimation[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240091
Citation: HUANG Weiquan, LI Menghao, ZHANG Jian, WANG Renlong. The Datum Optimization Method for Satellite Clock Batch Estimation[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240091








The Datum Optimization Method for Satellite Clock Batch Estimation

  • 摘要: 超快速卫星钟差产品是实时高精度定位需求用户在网络受限条件下实现精密单点定位(Precise Point Positioning, PPP)服务的基础,其稳定性是影响 PPP 定位精度的重要因素。传统超快速卫星钟差批处理估 计固定单接收机钟为基准,由钟差噪声引起的参考接收机钟不稳定将会导致卫星钟差的稳定性降低。为此, 提出基于接收机钟拟稳约束的钟差基准优化方法,通过构建接收机钟差模型精度加权的钟差拟稳约束形成稳 健的接收机钟群局部重心基准,以提升卫星钟差批处理估计的稳定性。本文利用一个月全球网测站数据进行 GPS 卫星钟差批处理估计实验,相比于传统固定单接收机钟基准,本文所提钟差基准优化方法对于 BLOCK IIFRb、 BLOCK IIF Cs、 BLOCK IIR Rb、 BLOCK IIR-M Rb 和 BLOCK III Rb 不同卫星类型的卫星钟差模型拟 合精度分别提升 43.10%、1.73%、23.47%、16.34%和 47.49%,卫星钟差千秒频率稳定度分别提升 9.59%、0.04%、 0.35%、 0.33%和 11.22%,卫星钟差万秒频率稳定度分别提升 11.53%、 0.60%、 7.62%、 4.83%和 18.21%。 所 提方法能在参考接收机钟不稳定的恶劣情况下维持卫星钟差批处理估计的稳定性,提升了超快速卫星钟差产 品的稳定性,进而提升了卫星钟差预测和 PPP 精度。
    Abstract: Objectives: The ultra-rapid satellite clock product is the premise of high-precision Precise Point Positioning (PPP) service for users with limited network. The satellite clock stability affected by the clock datum is crucial for the positioning accuracy of PPP. The traditional clock datums fix an individual receiver clock for satellite clock batch estimation. However, the reference receiver clock is unstable caused by clock noise, which will reduce the stability of batch estimated satellite clock. Methods: By constructing quasi-stable constraints weighted by the receiver clock model accuracy, an optimized clock datum is constructed based on the robust partial barycenter datum for receiver clock group to improve the stability of satellite clock batch estimation. Results: One-month GPS satellite clock batch estimation experiments based on global network observation data have been implemented. By comparing with the traditional and the proposed clock datums, for different satellite types of BLOCK IIF Rb, BLOCK IIF Cs, BLOCK IIR Rb, BLOCK IIR-M Rb and BLOCK III Rb, the stability evaluation results have revealed that the satellite clock model accuracy is improved by 43.10%, 1.73%, 23.47%, 16.34% and 47.49%, respectively. The frequency stability of 1,000 seconds is improved by 9.59%, 0.04%, 0.35%, 0.33% and 11.22%, respectively. The frequency stability of 10,000 seconds is improved by 11.53%, 0.60%, 7.62%, 4.83% and 18.21%, respectively. Conclusions: The proposed method can effectively reduce the impact of unstable reference receiver clock on the stability of satellite clock batch estimation, and improve the stability of ultra-rapid satellite clock product. The accuracy of satellite clock prediction and PPP are then improved, respectively.
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-06-10
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-06-26


