基于InSAR和光学影像解译的2023年甘肃积石山Ms 6.2震后地表形变和灾害分析

陈鹏, 邱梁才, 姚宜斌, 朱成昌, 鲁杰瑞, 关星瑶, 洪扬, 孙世峥

陈鹏, 邱梁才, 姚宜斌, 朱成昌, 鲁杰瑞, 关星瑶, 洪扬, 孙世峥. 基于InSAR和光学影像解译的2023年甘肃积石山Ms 6.2震后地表形变和灾害分析[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版), 2025, 50(2): 257-270. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240074
引用本文: 陈鹏, 邱梁才, 姚宜斌, 朱成昌, 鲁杰瑞, 关星瑶, 洪扬, 孙世峥. 基于InSAR和光学影像解译的2023年甘肃积石山Ms 6.2震后地表形变和灾害分析[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版), 2025, 50(2): 257-270. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240074
CHEN Peng, QIU Liangcai, YAO Yibin, ZHU Chengchang, LU Jierui, GUAN Xingyao, HONG Yang, SUN Shizheng. Surface Deformation and Hazard Analysis After the 2023 Ms 6.2 Earthquake in Jishishan, Gansu Province Based on InSAR and Optical Imagery Interpretation[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2025, 50(2): 257-270. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240074
Citation: CHEN Peng, QIU Liangcai, YAO Yibin, ZHU Chengchang, LU Jierui, GUAN Xingyao, HONG Yang, SUN Shizheng. Surface Deformation and Hazard Analysis After the 2023 Ms 6.2 Earthquake in Jishishan, Gansu Province Based on InSAR and Optical Imagery Interpretation[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2025, 50(2): 257-270. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240074

基于InSAR和光学影像解译的2023年甘肃积石山Ms 6.2震后地表形变和灾害分析


国家自然科学基金 42374037

大地测量与地球动力学国家重点实验室开放基金 SKLGED2022-3-5



Surface Deformation and Hazard Analysis After the 2023 Ms 6.2 Earthquake in Jishishan, Gansu Province Based on InSAR and Optical Imagery Interpretation

  • 摘要:

    2023⁃12⁃18甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山发生了Ms 6.2地震,导致建筑物被损毁并诱发了大量的同震滑坡,造成了严重的人员伤亡和社会经济损失。首先通过合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar,InSAR)技术获取了地表同震形变信息,并利用高分辨率光学影像对震中区域进行目视解译。然后,基于InSAR同震形变信息和高分辨率光学目视解译信息进行地灾提取;最后,对提取的地灾信息进行统计,并简要分析其形成的潜在因素。结果表明,地震导致震中东北侧两个断层间形成一处近似椭圆的隆起,其长、短轴分别约22.5 km和15 km,最大隆起接近8 cm,符合逆冲型地震运动特征。地震造成震中附近1 506处房屋损毁,震中距主要分布在5~25 km范围内,方位角主要在0°~30°和330°~360°之间,以砖木和土木结构的农村自建房为主;震中附近共解译出同震滑坡4 996处,震中距主要分布在5~30 km范围内,方位角在0°~60°和330°~360°之间,以小型黄土滑坡为主;其中寨子村大型滑坡体表面存在裂缝208条,滑坡和崩塌共计73处,存在重大安全隐患;中川乡滑坡-泥流受灾面积达456 982.10 m2,导致158间房屋损毁,道路损毁4 569 m。此次地震在震中5 km内未造成严重的地表灾害,说明受灾最严重的地区并不一定会集中在微观震中,这与地震波传递方向和区域地质状况有密切的关系。


    On 18th December 2023, an Ms 6.2 earthquake struck Jishishan County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, China. It triggered significant building damage and induced numerous coseismic landslides, resulting in severe casualties and substantial socio-economic losses. The acquisition of post-earthquake surface deformation and disaster distribution information is of great guiding significance for disaster assessment and post-disaster reconstruction.


    First, surface coseismic deformation information was obtained using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). And, high-resolution optical imagery was employed for visual interpretation near the epicenter. Second, seismic disaster extraction was performed based on coseismic deformation information from InSAR and visual interpretation information from high-resolution optical images. Finally, the extracted seismic disaster information was statistically analyzed, and potential factors contributing to its formation were briefly analyzed.

    Results and Conclusions 

    The earthquake resulted in an approximately elliptical uplift between two faults to the northeast of the epicenter, with long and short axes measuring approximately 22.5 km and 15 km, respectively. The maximum uplift approached 8 cm, consistent with characteristics of thrust-type seismic motion. The earthquake destroyed 1 506 buildings near the epicenter, mainly affecting self-built rural houses made of brick, wood, and earth structures. The epicentral distance was primarily distributed within a range of 5 to 25 km, and the azimuths were predominantly between 0° to 30° and 330° to 360°. A total of 4 996 coseismic landslides were interpreted near the epicenter, primarily distributed within a range of 5 to 30 km distance to the epicenter, with azimuths between 0° to 60° and 330° to 360°, predominantly comprising small-scale loess landslides. Among these, the surface of the large landslide in Zhaizi Village exhibited 208 cracks and 73 landslides and collapses, posing significant safety hazards. The area affected by the flowslide in Zhongchuan Township was about 456 982.10 m2, destroying 158 buildings and 4 569 m of roads. The earthquake did not cause severe surface disasters within 5 km of the epicenter, indicating that the most severely affected areas may not necessarily concentrate around the micro-epicenter, which is closely related to the direction of seismic wave propagation and regional geological conditions.

  • 感谢高分辨率对地观测系统甘肃数据与应用中心提供的震前、震后高分辨率卫星影像数据和基础地理数据,以及感谢该中心徐瑱在数据获取方面提供的重要帮助;感谢哥白尼数据空间生态系统提供的Sentinel⁃1雷达影像;本文绘图使用GMT软件[22]。
  • 图  1   2023⁃12⁃18甘肃积石山Ms 6.2地震区域地震构造背景

    Figure  1.   Regional Seismotectonic Background of theMs 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake in Gansu onDecember 18, 2023

    图  2   2023年积石山Ms 6.2地震同震形变场


    Figure  2.   Coseismic Deformation Field of the 2023 Jishishan Ms 6.2 Earthquake

    图  3   高程剖面及其LOS向形变


    Figure  3.   Elevation Profile and Its LOS Deformation

    图  4   基于北京三号卫星遥感影像解译的震后地表房屋损毁情况

    Figure  4.   Post-Earthquake Surface Building Damage Interpretation Based on Beijing-3 Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery

    图  5   基于震后近景对卫星影像解译的房屋损毁情况进行验证


    Figure  5.   Verification of Satellite Imagery Interpreted Building Damage Using Post-Earthquake Close-Up Photographs

    图  6   震后房屋损毁实景

    Figure  6.   Actual Scene of Post-Earthquake Building Damage

    图  7   震后房屋损毁的空间分布情况

    Figure  7.   Spatial Distribution of Post-EarthquakeBuilding Damage

    图  8   积石山地震同震滑坡清单及分布情况


    Figure  8.   List and Distribution of Coseismic Landslides in Jishishan Earthquake

    图  9   北京三号卫星拍摄的震后滑坡遥感影像

    Figure  9.   Remote Sensing Images of Post-Earthquake Landslides Captured by Beijing-3 Satellite

    图  10   青海省官亭镇寨子村滑坡体震后滑坡/崩塌与裂缝情况(a)坡体全景及滑坡/崩塌和裂缝分布情况;(b)、(c)、(d)、(e)、(f)是区域放大图


    Figure  10.   Post-Earthquake Landslide/Collapse and Crack Distribution of Zhaizi Village Landslide in Guanting Town,Qinghai Province (a)Panorama of the Landslide and the Spatial Distribution of Landslides/Collapses and Cracks; (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) are Enlarged Views of Specific Regions

    图  11   青海省海东市中川乡震前震后滑坡⁃泥流影像对比

    Figure  11.   Comparison of Pre-Earthquake and Post-Earthquake Flowslide Image in Zhongchuan Township,Haidong City, Qinghai Province

    图  12   中川乡滑坡⁃泥流损毁居民房屋情况

    Figure  12.   Buildings Damaged by Flowslide in Zhongchuan Township

    表  1   截至20240114甘肃积石山3.0级以上地震统计列表(来源于中国地震台网)

    Table  1   Statistical Information on Earthquakes of Ms 3.0 and Above in Jishishan, Gansu Province,as of January 14, 2024

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    表  2   甘肃积石山Ms 6.2地震烈度信息统计(来源于应急管理部)

    Table  2   Statistics of Ms 6.2 Earthquake Intensity in Jishishan, Gansu Province

    6 519甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县4个乡镇、永靖县13个乡镇、临夏县25个乡镇、临夏市11个乡镇(街道)、东乡族自治县8个乡镇、和政县4个乡镇,甘南藏族自治州合作市1个乡、夏河县7个乡镇,兰州市红古区2个镇,太子山天然林保护区;青海省海东市民和回族土族自治县13个乡镇、循化撒拉族自治县7个乡镇、化隆回族自治县4个乡镇,黄南藏族自治州同仁市1个乡;共计100个乡镇(街道)和1个自然保护区。少数土木、砖木房屋中等破坏,少数不设防砖混房屋轻微破坏,多数框架房屋基本完好。
    1 514甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县17个乡镇和盖新坪林场、永靖县3个乡镇、临夏县3个乡,青海省海东市民和回族土族自治县8个乡镇、循化撒拉族自治县3个乡镇、化隆回族自治县1个乡,共计35个乡镇和1个林场。多数土木、砖木房屋中等破坏,多数砖混房屋轻微破坏,个别框架房屋轻微破坏,部分斜坡失稳,出现崩塌、滑坡等次生灾害。
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    表  3   本文使用的数据情况

    Table  3   Introduction of the Data Used in this Study

    震前Sentinel⁃1A SLC (升轨)2023⁃10⁃275 m×20 mhttps://dataspace.copernicus.eu/
    Sentinel⁃1A SLC(降轨)2023⁃12⁃145 m×20 m
    北京三号(BJ: ⁃3A1、⁃B1、⁃N1)2023⁃05⁃242023⁃04⁃112023⁃02⁃230.5 m0.3 m0.3 m高分甘肃中心
    震后Sentinel⁃1A SLC (升轨)2023⁃12⁃265 m×20 mhttps://dataspace.copernicus.eu/
    Sentinel⁃1A SLC(降轨)2023⁃12⁃265 m×20 m
    北京三号(BJ: ⁃3A1、⁃N2、⁃N3)2023⁃12⁃202023⁃12⁃202023⁃12⁃210.5 m0.3 m0.3 m高分甘肃中心
    吉林系列(JLGF03: ⁃D06、⁃D07、⁃D09、⁃D12、⁃D16、⁃D34)2023⁃12⁃192023⁃12⁃202023⁃12⁃210.75 m高分甘肃中心
    无人机影像2023⁃12⁃240.1 m无人机航空摄影测量
    辅助数据DEM(SRTMGL1)30 mhttps://step.esa.int/
    Sentinel⁃1A POEORB2023⁃22⁃162024⁃01⁃032024⁃01⁃15
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