
唐伟, 程清, 崔健, 孙秀波, 王井利, 耿旭

唐伟, 程清, 崔健, 孙秀波, 王井利, 耿旭. 地面沉降对洪水淹没的影响—以辽宁绕阳河“2022.8”溃堤洪水为例[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版). DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240063
引用本文: 唐伟, 程清, 崔健, 孙秀波, 王井利, 耿旭. 地面沉降对洪水淹没的影响—以辽宁绕阳河“2022.8”溃堤洪水为例[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版). DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240063
TANG Wei, CHENG Qing, CUI Jian, SUN Xiubo, WANG Jingli, GENG Xu. Impacts of Land Subsidence on Flood Inundation: An Example of the "2022.8" Levee-Breach in Raoyang River of Liaohe Delta[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240063
Citation: TANG Wei, CHENG Qing, CUI Jian, SUN Xiubo, WANG Jingli, GENG Xu. Impacts of Land Subsidence on Flood Inundation: An Example of the "2022.8" Levee-Breach in Raoyang River of Liaohe Delta[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240063








Impacts of Land Subsidence on Flood Inundation: An Example of the "2022.8" Levee-Breach in Raoyang River of Liaohe Delta

  • 摘要: 2022年入汛以来,辽干支流绕阳河流域近90%区域出现暴雨到大暴雨。绕阳河下游左岸曙四联段堤防于8月1日10时30分出现溃口,引发大范围洪水淹没,造成沿河城市及其周边区域的房屋、农作物和油田生产设施损失严重。除了区域性暴雨带来的巨大降雨量之外,地面沉降是造成绕阳河“2022.8”溃堤洪水淹没的另一个重要因素。基于ALOS-1、Sentinel-1雷达影像进行时序InSAR处理,并结合水准监测数据,分析了曙光油田2007年3月至2021年11月的地面沉降时空分布。基于高分三号(GaoFen-3,GF-3)雷达数据和水体指数方法解译得到溃堤前后的洪水淹没范围,分析洪水蔓延过程及受淹土地类型。最后,将累积地面沉降与洪水淹没范围进行叠加,讨论地面沉降对溃堤发生和洪水发展的影响。研究结果表明:(1)曙光油田开采造成一个椭圆形的地面沉降漏斗,沉降中心最大速率达到-212 mm/a。(2)绕阳河穿过曙光油田开采沉降漏斗区,本次溃堤洪水淹没范围与曙光油田地面沉降区高度重叠,溃堤处的沉降速率达-150 mm/a。(3)地面沉降所造成的高程损失破坏了相关堤坝的安全稳定性,输油管道更易浸泡于水位之下,穿堤管道接合面出现渗水破坏,引发溃口发生;地面沉降引起的高程损失使地表形成沉降漏斗,河流泄洪能力下降,导致洪水在沉降区域更易出槽、漫溢,并滞留于沉降漏斗盆地,增加洪水淹没范围和淹没深度。本研究强调了在洪水风险评估及防洪规划设计中考虑地表高程沉降的重要性,为区域防洪规划设计提供科学参考依据。
    Abstract: Since the beginning of the flood season in 2022, nearly 90% of the area of the Raoyang River Basin has experienced torrential to heavy rainfall, causing the largest flood in this basin since 1951. A levee-breach flood of the Shusi section of the left embankment of the Raoyang River occurred at 10:30 am on 1 August, triggering widespread flooding and inundation, and causing serious damage to houses, crops and oil production facilities in cities along the river and their surrounding areas. In addition to the huge amount of rainfall brought by the heavy rainfall, land subsidence may have been an important factor contributing to the inundation of the "2022.8" levee-breach flood in the Raoyang River. Objectives: Analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution of land subsidence in the Liaohe delta, and investigating its impacts on the inundation extent of the "2022.8" levee-breach of the Raoyang River. Methods: We adopted the coherence-based SBAS (Small Baseline Subset, SBAS) method to process the time series of ALOS-1 and Sentinel-1 SAR data, and combined with the levelling data to obtain the distribution and evolution of land subsidence in the study area in different historical periods. We used surface deformation monitoring data from two GNSS continuous stations in the study area to validate the accuracy of the InSAR-derived surface deformation. Based on three GF-3 SAR acquisitions, we applied the water index to extract the levee-breach flood inundation of Raoyang River and to compute the affected area. The distribution of land subsidence was superimposed on the inundation extent of the flooding to emphasize the importance of taking into account land subsidence in the assessment of flood risk. Results: (1) oil extraction caused an elliptical land subsidence funnel in Shuguang oilfield, with a maximum rate of -212 mm/a at the subsidence center. (2) the Raoyang River passes through the Shuguang oilfield subsidence funnel area, the flood inundation extent caused by this dike breach highly overlaps with the ground subsidence area, and the rate of subsidence at the breach of the embankment is -150 mm/a. Conclusions: Land Subsidence plays an important role in the occurrence of levee-breach and flood development. On the one hand, the elevation loss caused by land subsidence destroys the safety and stability of embankment, makes it easier for the oil pipeline to be immersed under the water level, and causes seepage damage on the joint surface of the pipeline through the embankment, which triggers the occurrence of the breach; on the other hand, the elevation loss caused by land subsidence results in the formation of a subsidence funnel on the land surface, and reduces the river's capacity to discharge floodwaters, which leads to water more easily to get out of the river, and to be retained in the subsidence funnel basins, increasing the extent and depth of flood inundation. Our study highlights the importance of considering surface subsidence in flood risk assessment, providing a scientific reference for regional flood protection and planning.
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-09-27


