2023年甘肃积石山Ms 6.2地震区域地壳形变特征分析

张文婷, 季灵运, 陈玉鑫, 刘传金, 徐晶

张文婷, 季灵运, 陈玉鑫, 刘传金, 徐晶. 2023年甘肃积石山Ms 6.2地震区域地壳形变特征分析[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版), 2025, 50(2): 391-403. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240012
引用本文: 张文婷, 季灵运, 陈玉鑫, 刘传金, 徐晶. 2023年甘肃积石山Ms 6.2地震区域地壳形变特征分析[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版), 2025, 50(2): 391-403. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240012
ZHANG Wenting, JI Lingyun, CHEN Yuxin, LIU Chuanjin, XU Jing. Analysis of Crustal Deformation of the 2023 Ms 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake in Gansu Province, China[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2025, 50(2): 391-403. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240012
Citation: ZHANG Wenting, JI Lingyun, CHEN Yuxin, LIU Chuanjin, XU Jing. Analysis of Crustal Deformation of the 2023 Ms 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake in Gansu Province, China[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2025, 50(2): 391-403. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20240012

2023年甘肃积石山Ms 6.2地震区域地壳形变特征分析


国家重点研发计划 2023YFC3007303

陕西省自然科学基础研究计划 2023-JC-QN-0324

国家自然科学基金 42104061





Analysis of Crustal Deformation of the 2023 Ms 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake in Gansu Province, China

  • 摘要:

    2023-12-18甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山县发生了Ms 6.2地震。震中所在的拉脊山断裂带在调节区域构造变形过程中起着重要作用,研究该地震的地壳形变对认识区域构造活动特征至关重要。利用Sentinel-1合成孔径雷达卫星数据,基于合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar, InSAR)技术和小基线集技术获取了该地震升、降轨InSAR同震及震间形变场,并融合震间全球导航卫星系统资料获取了震间三维地壳形变场。综合大地测量、地质、大地电磁以及余震精定位数据,认为此次地震是青藏高原北东向扩展过程中一次区域应力调节的结果,发震主断层位于倾向SWW的拉脊山北缘断裂南段,地震发生时,该主冲断层带动着NEE倾的反冲断层共同隆起,地表沿雷达视线方向最大抬升8.9 cm。以InSAR同震形变为约束,反演得到发震断层最大同震滑移0.24 m,位于地下13.4 km,累积地震矩1.93×1018 N·m,合矩震级Mw 6.1。此外,以三维地壳形变场为约束,反演得到发震断层震间走滑速率约1.9 mm/a,倾滑速率约2.4 mm/a,闭锁深度约为16.8 km。受此次地震影响,拉脊山断裂东南段、倒淌河-临夏断裂中南段以及西秦岭北缘断裂西端等未来的地震危险性值得关注。


    An earthquake with Ms 6.2 occurred in Jishishan County, Gansu Province on December 18, 2023. The epicenter is located at the Lajishan fault zone, which plays an important role in adjusting regional tectonic deformation. Therefore, it is important to research the crustal deformation of this earthquake.


    We collect coseismic and preseismic Sentinel-1 single look complex images covering the study area, and use differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and small baseline subset technology to obtain the coseismic and interseismic deformation, respectively. Furthermore, both interseismic InSAR and global navigation satellite system observations are integrated to obtain the high-accuracy and high-resolution three-dimensional deformation field. Subsequently, we invert the slip distribution of the seismogenic fault using the steepest descent method program with the constraint of coseismic deformation. The fault model is constructed based on 3D electrical structure, aftershocks, and InSAR deformation field. In addition, we invert the dextral strike slip rate, dip slip, and locking depth of the seismogenic fault with the constraint of three-dimensional deformation.


    Both ascending and descending coseismic InSAR deformation exhibit symmetrical elliptical uplift with a maximum uplift of 8.9 cm along the radar line of sight direction, indicating a thrust earthquake, and there is no obvious surface rupture. The seismogenic fault is mainly characterized by reverse movement and did not rupture the surface, and the peak slip is 0.24 m at the depth of 13.4 km. The geode⁃tic moment is about 1.93×1018 N·m, corresponding to Mw 6.1 event. The dextral strike slip rate and dip slip rate of the seismogenic fault are about 1.9 mm/a and 2.4 mm/a, respectively. The locking depth of the seismogenic fault is about 16.8 km, close the the depth of this earthquake.


    The seismogenic fault may be a SWW-dipping hidden fault near the southern segment of the northern Lajishan fault, which thrusts towards the basin direction and parallel to the Lajishan fault. The main seismogenic fault may be southern segment of the SWW-dipping northern Lajishan fault. This main thrust fault and the NEE dipping back-thrust fault jointly uplift when the earthquake occurs. The static Coulomb stress calculation result indicates that the future seismic risk of the southern section of the northern Lajishan fault, the southern end of the southern Lajishan fault, the central and southern sections of the Daotanghe-Linxia fault, and the western end of the northern west Qinling fault cannot be ignored. This earthquake is the result of a regional stress regulation under the the northeast expansion of the Tibet Plateau.

  • http://ch.whu.edu.cn/cn/article/doi/10.13203/j.whugis20240012
  • 图  1   2023年积石山Ms 6.2地震构造背景图


    Figure  1.   Tectonic Setting of the 2023 Ms 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake

    图  2   积石山Ms 6.2地震地壳形变特征分析技术路线图

    Figure  2.   Flowchart for Crustal Deformation Analysis of the Ms 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake

    图  3   InSAR同震形变及余震分布图

    Figure  3.   InSAR Interferograms and Aftershocks Distribution

    图  4   震前InSAR震间形变场及InSAR⁃GNSS融合的形变场

    Figure  4.   Preseismic InSAR Deformation and InSAR⁃GNSS Integrated Deformation Fields

    图  5   发震断层几何模型

    注:蓝色空心圆表示余震的空间位置,震级大小与圆的大小成正比,红色五角星表示主震,黑色粗实线表示地表迹线,走向由余震及InSAR形变场给出,长度为36 km。

    Figure  5.   Seismogenic Fault Geometry Model

    图  6   同震观测值、模拟值及残差图

    Figure  6.   Coseismic Observations, Simulations and Residual Results

    图  7   分布式同震滑动模型拟合结果

    Figure  7.   Fitting Results of Distributed Coseismic Slip Model

    图  8   震间形变剖线拟合结果

    Figure  8.   Interseismic Velocity Two-Dimensional Profile Fitting Results

    图  9   拉脊山邻近地区构造活动模式图(据文献[4041]修改)

    注:1.区域应力方向;2.走滑断裂;3.逆断裂;4.块体旋转方向;5.块体挤出方向;6.积石山Ms 6.2地震震中。

    Figure  9.   The Model of Tectonic Activity in the Lajishan Mountain and Is Adjacent Area (Modified by Reference[4041])

    图  10   积石山Ms 6.2地震引起周边断层的静态库仑应力变化


    Figure  10.   Static Coulomb Stress Changes on Surrounding Faults Caused by the Ms 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake

    表  1   不同机构及研究提供的震源机制解

    Table  1   Focal Mechnism Solutions of the 2023 Jishishan Earthquake from Different Institutions and Studies

    注:IGP⁃CEA(Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration):中国地震局地球物理研究所;GCMT (Global Centroid⁃Moment⁃Tensor):全球矩张量;USGS(United States Geological Survey):美国地质调查局。
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2   D-InSAR干涉对参数信息

    Table  2   Parameters of D-InSAR Interferograms

    下载: 导出CSV
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    94. 王亚飞,杨卫东,徐振强. 基于出租车轨迹的载客热点挖掘. 信息与电脑(理论版). 2017(16): 141-143 . 百度学术
    95. 蒋云良,董墨萱,范婧,高少文,刘勇,马新强. 基于POI数据的城市功能区识别方法研究. 浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2017(04): 398-405 . 百度学术
    96. 王淑芳. 基于卫星定位系统的营运车辆时空特征研究综述. 交通信息与安全. 2017(01): 19-25 . 百度学术
    97. 汪飞,张繁,吴斐然,顾天瑜,高思远,赵烨,鲍虎军. 面向多源城市出行数据的可视化查询模型. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. 2016(01): 25-31 . 百度学术
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    100. 牟乃夏,张恒才,陈洁,张灵先,戴洪磊. 轨迹数据挖掘城市应用研究综述. 地球信息科学学报. 2015(10): 1136-1142 . 百度学术
    101. 吴运超,黄晓春,王浩然,崔浩,鲁旭. 面向智慧城市的数字规划发展思考与实践. 《规划师》论丛. 2015(00): 101-107 . 百度学术
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-01-11
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-04-24
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