高精度电离层信息是实现全球导航卫星系统( global navigation satellite system,GNSS)精密单点定位( precise pointpositioning,PPP)快速初始化的关键。然而,电离层斜延迟模型( slant ionospheric model,SIM)精度与建模区域位置和参考站站间距密切相关。为探讨以上因素对区域SIM精度及最终PPP-实时动态差分定位( real-time kinematic,RTK)定位的影响,利用欧洲GNSS参考站网和中国大陆构造环境监测网观测数据,进行区域SIM建模及PPP-RTK定位效果分析实验。实验结果表明:SIM精度与区域位置关系密切,在磁静日,欧洲中高纬度地区利用站间距417 km观测网建立的SIM精度可达到0.4 TECu,PPPRTK水平/高程方向平均收敛时间可减少82%/44%;而在中国南方低纬度地区,需要站间距小于130 km才能使SIM综合精度和PPP-RTK收敛时间改善程度接近欧洲地区。不同站间距方面,只有在磁静日的高纬地区如欧洲,由于电离层总电子含量小且空间上变化缓慢,其模型精度随站间距增大才不显著下降;在发生地磁扰动时期,或地处低纬地区,SIM精度随站间距增大下降更为明显,且当站间距过大时,SIM的引入可能反而增加PPP-RTK定位收敛时间。因此在中高纬地区设立参考站时可适当扩大站间距,但同时也应考虑到在地磁扰动期间SIM性能劣化的影响;而在中国云南等低纬地区,由于电离层赤道异常区的存在,模型精度和PPP-RTK定位性能随站间距增大下降较为明显,建模时站间距不宜大于100 km,否则模型精度将无法满足需求。
Objectives: Precise slant ionospheric delay reference is the key to rapid initialization of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Precise Point Positioning (PPP). The accuracy of regional slant ionospheric models (SIM) is closely related to modeling location and betweenstation distance. How the above factors influence SIM accuracy and PPP-RTK positioning is analyzed. Methods: Slant ionospheric delays were extracted using uncombined PPP-Ambiguity Resolution (AR), and the receiver code bias in them was canceled by making differences between satellites. The SIMs consisted of polynomial functions and residual grids and were constructed under different between-station distance conditions. Then we assessed accuracies of SIM and used them for PPP-RTK positioning to inspect improvement compared with PPP-AR. Results: The experiments were conducted in Europe and Yunnan Province respectively, which were very different in latitudes. During the magnetically quiet days, with an average between-station distance of 417 km in Europe, the external accuracy was better than 0.4 TECu overall and the PPP-RTK solutions reduced horizontal and vertical convergence time by 82% and 44% respectively. In Yunnan Province, China, only when the average between-station distance was less than 130 km could the external accuracies and the PPP-RTK enhancement approach those of Europe. In terms of between-station distance, the SIM accuracies showed slight differences when it expanded to 611 km in Europe during the magnetically quiet days, whereas an evident trend of decreasing model accuracy with increasing between-station distance occurred during the magnetic storm or in Yunnan Province. Conclusions: For regional ionospheric modeling in mid-to-high latitude regions such as Europe, the ionosphere is spatially smooth enough, and the between-station distance there can expand appropriately but not too much in case of PPP-RTK degradation during magnetic disturbance. While in low latitude regions such as Yunnan Province, due to the equatorial ionization anomaly, We do not recommend between-station distance to be larger than 100 km, otherwise the model accuracy can not meet the users’ demand.