BeiDou/GNSS Wide-Area Precise Positioning Technology and Service: Current Situation and Prospects
摘要: 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)精密定位服务已广泛应用于国防建设、智慧城市、交通运输、智能机器人、无人机等,近年来精密定位技术与服务应用不断发展,受到各行各业广泛关注。首先分类归纳了精密单点定位(PPP)、模糊度固定的精密单点定位(PPP-AR)及精密单点实时动态定位(PPP-RTK)技术在多系统多频、大气改正及模糊度固定等方面的研究进展,其次回顾了主要卫星导航系统精密定位服务在服务能力、范围等方面的特点及长期发展规划;然后总结了当前主流商业公司精密定位服务技术特点、服务能力及应用进展情况;最后探讨分析了当今GNSS精密定位服务面临的挑战及其发展趋势与未来展望。
- 精密单点定位(PPP) /
- 精密单点实时动态定位(PPP-RTK) /
- 厘米级增强服务(CLAS) /
- 高精度服务(HAS) /
- 实时扩展(RTX) /
- 精密定位服务(PPS)
Abstract: Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) precise positioning service have been widely applied in various industries such as national defense construction, smart cities, transportation, smart robots, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), etc., the technology and service application of precise positioning continue to develop in recent years. Firstly, it summarizes separately the research progress of precise positioning technologies represented by precise point positioning, precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution, and precise point positioning and real time kinematic in the aspect of multi-system and multi-frequency, atmospheric correction and ambiguity resolution. Secondly, it reviews the service capacity, scope and other aspects and long-term development plan of precise positioning service for major satellite navigation systems; Then, the characteristics, service capabilities, and application progress of precise positioning service and technology provided by mainstream commercial companies were discussed; Finally, the challenges faced by GNSS precise positioning service at present, their development trends, and future prospects were analyzed. -
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