
Intergrated Space-Air-Train-Ground Muti-source Techniques for Early Detection of Subgrade Disasters and Service Status of Railway Subgrade

  • 摘要: 气候系统变化背景下铁路路基灾害呈高发态势,表现出点多面广、隐蔽性强和突发性高等特征,且路基灾害“一点受灾,全线受阻”的巨大危害,已经使其成为铁路安全运营的“瓶颈”难题。多次铁路事故表明风险源大多不在已知灾害隐患点范围内,传统监测手段已难以满足复杂孕灾环境下的路基服役安全监测需求。鉴于此,首先总结了不同孕灾环境下路基灾害隐患特征,将路基服役状态监测定义为长期服役过程中受突发型灾害、缓变型致灾作用下可能导致路基结构损伤或功能损失等服役状态劣化的危险源及路基本体受灾程度监测,监测内容包括路基变形监测、结构健康监测、沿线地质灾害监测、几何状态测量和外部环境监测;提出了天-空-车-地多源协同路基灾害隐患早期识别与服役状态监测体系,形成了平台协同、尺度协同、参数协同、多部门协同的路基灾害协同监测内涵,初步提出多源协同路基灾害及服役状态监测方案,实现区域-工段-工点为主线的星地协同的工作模式,并在沪宁城际高速铁路路基服役状态监测中得到应用;最后对路基服役状态监测发展方向进行了展望。


    Objectives Because of high frequency of extreme weather, railway subgrade disaster shows a trend of increasing, great harmfulness and is hard to detect in advance. Even a small-size subgrade disaster may cause railway paralysis, which prevents the development of transportation. Many incidents illustrate that the earliest subgrade disaster always appeared in areas where no case ever reported before. It means that traditional monitoring methods are hard to detect hidden danger area. Thus, a promising method is urgent to be proposed for meeting the monitoring requirement for railway safety.
    Methods First, the characteristics of subgrade disaster are summarized under different disaster-pregnant environments, and the advantages of various monitoring methods are discussed to find a collaborative applications method for early identification of subgrade disaster. The potential hazards that may cause damage to subgrade structure and the deterioration degree of subgrade are considered as the main monitoring object of subgrade service status, including subgrade deformation monitoring, structural health monitoring, geological hazard monitoring along the railway, track irregularity, and external environmental monitoring. Second, an investigative approach based on the integration of space-air-train-ground muti-source techniques is proposed to detect the geohazards and monitor the service status of railway subgrade. It means that collaborative application of different monitoring methods, cooperative analysis of different scales and resolutions data and collaboration of between various railway departments are required. Two monitoring schemes for subgrade disasters and service status of subgrade are proposed based on the integration of multi-source and multi-scale monitoring technique. Finally, the development direction of subgrade service status monitoring is discussed.
    Results and Conclusions This monitoring system has been applied in the identification of subgrade service status in the Shanghai-Nanjing high speed railway, which can quickly investigate the location of the disasters and the deterioration degree of subgrade.


